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FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis 130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M

Initial price 37.247 €
36.295 €
30.500 € NET
Availability: Immediate
Ad ID: 34565
  • Availability: Immediate
  • 01.2024
  • 200 km
  • Manual gearbox
  • 130 cp
  • Diesel
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M
FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis  130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M



Piața Montreal Nr.10, Intrarea E, World Trade Center, București Sectorul 1, București County


  • Make:
  • Model:
  • Body Type:
  • Condition:
    Used vehicle
  • Mileage:
    200 km
  • Engine Capacity:
    1995 cm3
  • Power:
    130 cp
  • Fuel:
  • First Registration:
  • Transmission:
    Manual gearbox
  • Color:
Car history, mileage and features check Download report CarVertical
Publication date: 25.01.2024
Location: Piața Montreal Nr.10, Intrarea E, World Trade Center, București Sectorul 1, București County


FORD TRANSIT Double Chassis Cab Trend 350L 2.0L EcoBlue 130PS FWD + BENA 3.6M



NOU:  Leasing operational si pentru masini second hand!


Parteneri finantare:


   * BT Leasing
   * OTP Leasing

   * PORSCHE Leasing
   * UNICREDIT Leasing

   * BCR Leasing


·        Aer conditionat manual

·        Afisaj multifunctional Display 4" [Nu contine Navigatie ICE Mid Audio W/BVC & DAB

·        Interfata telefon - sistem 4

·        Baterie Heavy Duty GK2T-10655-E* = 75Ah 710CCA H7

·        Capitonaj plafon extins

·        Deblocare configurabila 1

·        Echipament pornire la rece (-20°C)

·        Fabric: Capitol in Ebony/City in Ebony

·        Geamuri fixe spate

·        Geamuri in tenta deschisa

·        Inchidere centralizata-2 chei cu telecomanda

·        Incuiere automata - dependent de viteza

·        Jante otel de 6.0 x 16" [Anvelope cu dimensiune 195/75R16 BSW

·        Limitator de viteza 90 [90KPH / 56MPH]

·        Lumini de ceata – in fata

·        Multi Stage

·        STANDARD

·        Oglinda interioara zi/ noapte

·        Oglinzi laterale – actionate electric si incalzite

·        Stergatoare de parbriz, cu senzor de ploaie

·        Sistem asistenta precoliziune

·        Pilot automat

·        Alerta pentru pastrarea benzii de rulare

·        Asistenta pentru parasirea benzii de rulare

·        ICE Low

·        Faruri – pornire/oprire automata

·        Pachet scaune 13: Scaun sofer cu suport lombar, cotiera si reglare pe 4 directii: inainte/inapoi, inaltime/inclinare.

·        Bancheta dubla pasager.

·        Material textil Capitol City si culoare scaune Ebony

·        Pachet scaune spate 1: Contine 4 scaune spate, randul 2 bancheta 4 locuri

·        Parbriz incalzit [Oglinzi laterale – actionate electric si incalzite

·        Roata de rezerva de dimensiuni normale

·        Tahograf digital

·        Torpedou cu posibilitate de incuiere




MARCA VEHICUL                   FORD

MODEL VEHICUL                   TRANSIT L3



LUNGIME                                3.600 mm

LATIME                                    2.250 mm

INALTIME                                400 mm


·        Detalii Tehnice:

·        Sasiu suplimentar de prindere alcatuit din grinzi longitudinale si transversale din profile de otel.

·        Prelungire sasiu vehicul.

·        Profil rama zincat pe lateral.

·        Obloane rabatabile de aluminiu cu inaltimea de 400 mm.

·        Inchiderea obloanelor fara stalp, cu inchizatori de colt.

·        Podea tip mowipan de 15 mm grosime esenta Mesteacan, antiderapanta si hidrofuga.

·        Perete spate protectie cabina cu inaltimea de 1.200 mm.

·        Ancore de marfa in podea – 6 buc.

·        Scara de acces montata pe oblonul spate.

·        Aparatori de noroi.

·        Lumini de gabarit laterale.

·        Placute reflectorizante.

·        Carlig de remorcare


Specificatiile si dotarile autoturismului sunt prezentate de PLUS AUTOTRADE exclusiv cu titlu de exemplificare/informare putand exista omisiuni sau inexactitati in descrierea aununtului pentru care nu poate fi angajata raspunderea PLUS AUTOTRADE.

*** Nu ati gasit autoturismul dorit pe stocul nostru ?
*** Acum aveti posibilitatea de a comanda masina dorita prin PLUS AUTO TRADE.

CRISTIAN MATEI – 0799907777

The displayed vehicle is available in stock at our location in Piața Montreal Nr.10, Intrarea E, World Trade Center, București Sectorul 1, București County and comes with an included 12-month or 15,000 km warranty, as specified in the warranty certificate, with the option to extend up to 24 months or 200,000 km, at an additional cost.

Additionally, you can choose from a complete range of services, such as:

  • Your car taken in the TRADE-IN or BUY-BACK system
  • Financing the car purchase through credit or leasing, with preferential conditions for down payment and interest, through our traditional partners:
  • Concluding a CASCO, RCA insurance policy
  • Concluding an extended warranty

General features

  • Bluetooth
  • Fog lamp
  • Lane change assist
  • Lumbar support
  • Multifunction steering wheel

Specific features

  • Climatisation:
    A/C (man.)
  • Condition:
    Used vehicle
  • Interior color:
  • Interior type:
  • Parking assistants:
  • Speed control:
    Cruise control
  • Trailer coupling type:
    Trailer coupling fix


Piața Montreal Nr.10, Intrarea E, World Trade Center, București Sectorul 1, București County
Disclaimer: As a user of this site, please be aware that despite our efforts to provide you with accurate and complete information regarding the vehicles presented, errors or omissions may occur in descriptions, images, or features. Plus Autotrade S.R.L. assumes no responsibility for any unintentional or accidental errors, inaccuracies, or omissions related to the displayed vehicle specifications, due to the information being sourced from the manufacturer or third-party partners. For vehicles ordered on request, the displayed price may change if third-party suppliers increase the price; the displayed price will be adjusted by an amount equal to the increase made by the third-party supplier. Users acknowledge that the information presented is for informational purposes only and have the option to ensure the accuracy of the specification elements by contacting the sales representative.

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