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Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4

51.989 €
43.688 € NET
Availability: Immediate
Ad ID: 27611
  • Availability: Immediate
  • 10.2020
  • 36.886 km
  • Automatic
  • 194 cp
  • Diesel
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4
Mercedes-Benz E220 d 4M AVANTGARDE 4x4



Piața Montreal Nr.10, Intrarea E, World Trade Center, București Sectorul 1, București County


  • Make:
  • Model:
    E 220
  • Body Type:
  • Mileage:
    36.886 km
  • Engine Capacity:
    1950 cm3
  • Power:
    194 cp
  • Fuel:
  • First Registration:
  • Transmission:
  • Color:
Car history, mileage and features check Download report CarVertical
Publication date: 27.11.2023
Location: Piața Montreal Nr.10, Intrarea E, World Trade Center, București Sectorul 1, București County


Mercedes-Benz E 220 d 4M 143 kW (194 CP) Fara accidente Alb perlat, Tapițerie piele maro, Bord și partea superioară a ușilor îmbrăcate în piele, Exterior AVANTGARDE (P15) Interior AVANTGARDE (P14) Pachet Night Încălzire staționară cu telecomandă Asistență activă la frânare (258) Iluminare ambientală 64 de culori Sistem de frânare antiblocare ABS Sistem de control al tracțiunii ASR Cotiera sofer/pasager Funcția de pornire automată și oprire Oglinzi exterioare electrice si incalzit Afisaj temperatura exterioara Asistență la pornire în rampa Computer de bord Indicator de uzură a frânei Pachet de afaceri (DB1) ASISTENȚĂ PENTRU PREVENIREA COLIZIUNILOR COMAND Online (531) SELECTARE DINAMICĂ (B59) Consola centrală din fibră de carbon, elemente ornamentale din aluminiu cu tăietură trapezoidală, Program de stabilitate electrică ESP Airbag șofer/pasager Scaun electric șofer/pasager Faruri automate Multibeam, Pregatirea telefonului mobil Bluetooth Climatizare automată trei zone, Airbag genunchi sofer, Airbag-uri pentru cap față și spate Tetiere față și spate Faruri LED de înaltă performanță (632) Jante din aliaj Padele de schimbare a vitezelor Coloana de directie reglabila Pachet lumini interioare (876) Senzor de lumina Scaune sofer și pasager cu suport lombar (U22) Mercedes Me Volan multifuncțional piele Sistem de apeluri de urgență (351) Park Pilot (235) Sistem proactiv de protecție a ocupanților Sistem PRE-SAFE (299) Controlul presiunii în anvelope (475) Cameră de vedere 360 Scaune din spate rabatabile (287) Airbag lateral frontal Servotronic Încălzire scaun șofer/pasager (873) Pachet confort scaun (P65) Pachet de integrare pentru smartphone (14U) Lumini de zi Cruise control adaptiv Conexiune USB, streaming audio Bluetooth Asistent pentru semne de circulație (513) Imobilizator Geam termoizolant Sistem SCR (tehnologie AdBlue), pachet parcare Sarcina utila 625 kg greutate totală admisă 2.400 kg Rezervor combustibil 66l

The displayed vehicle is available in stock at our location in Piața Montreal Nr.10, Intrarea E, World Trade Center, București Sectorul 1, București County and comes with an included 12-month or 15,000 km warranty, as specified in the warranty certificate, with the option to extend up to 24 months or 200,000 km, at an additional cost.

Additionally, you can choose from a complete range of services, such as:

  • Your car taken in the TRADE-IN or BUY-BACK system
  • Financing the car purchase through credit or leasing, with preferential conditions for down payment and interest, through our traditional partners:
  • Concluding a CASCO, RCA insurance policy
  • Concluding an extended warranty

General features

  • Four-wheel drive

Specific features

  • Interior color:
  • Interior type:
    Full leather
  • Parking assistants:


Piața Montreal Nr.10, Intrarea E, World Trade Center, București Sectorul 1, București County
Disclaimer: As a user of this site, please be aware that despite our efforts to provide you with accurate and complete information regarding the vehicles presented, errors or omissions may occur in descriptions, images, or features. Plus Autotrade S.R.L. assumes no responsibility for any unintentional or accidental errors, inaccuracies, or omissions related to the displayed vehicle specifications, due to the information being sourced from the manufacturer or third-party partners. For vehicles ordered on request, the displayed price may change if third-party suppliers increase the price; the displayed price will be adjusted by an amount equal to the increase made by the third-party supplier. Users acknowledge that the information presented is for informational purposes only and have the option to ensure the accuracy of the specification elements by contacting the sales representative.

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